About us

About us.

Maukasmaku.com (mau-gus-mar-coo) is a web site about the Nordic environment and traditional culture.

Maukasmaku.com’s mission in the local communities is also to use photography and advertise the natural healthy ingredients and life style that the traditional life style and culture offered even during the technological stone age.
Maukasmaku.com goes out to photograph farmers markets, regional produce, local producers, natural ingredients, seasonal changes, cultural history, ethnic cuisine and the Natural Art that is here in the Nordic region.

Hi ! my name is Vesa Leinonen I am the author of 3 books and the creator of the Maukasmaku.com web site.  I  have lived on the west coast of Finland in Pori and currently live in Australia Riverina.

I have a keen interest in the Nordic Nutrition topic and the healthy lifestyle and living of the traditional Nordic country cultures.  I think that the farmer’s markets are a significant part of cultural history in Finland, like any other country with a robust rural history.  Also the connection and lifestyle that people have with the land and the cycle of nature that surrounded them is a vital link in people’s nutritional needs and their health and well-being.  I know that the regional farmer’s markets are an essential part of traditional culture and that the local producers could be supported much more at all levels.

The convenience of modern-day shopping malls and supermarkets with plastic-wrapped ingredients imported from abroad, do not add anything to the local or the traditional cultural customs but instead promotes the growth of mass production by large factories.

With the decline of local producers and the farmer’s markets, much more general support is needed for the local food growers in rural communities.

There has been an adverse effect from the large multinational companies mass-producing on such large scale and lowering the prices so that the local farmers and businesses can not compete with them on the market.  Therefore many traditional industries in their local regions have closed their doors and stopped producing altogether.  Small scale farming and animal husbandry do provide ingredients with better nutritional value and better conditions for the animals.

Also, the large mass productions often hyper produce using chemical fertilizers, hormone boosters, and miserable conditions for animals like chickens, cows, and pork pigs.   Resulting in animal cruelty, poor nutritional value in food ingredients, chemicals, and other toxins.  Animals in poor dismal conditions do not naturally grow strong and fend off infections and diseases: therefore they are fed with antibiotics and other drugs to prevent disease, which leads to humans consuming the chemical concoctions. Significant investments of money into factories and farming demand substantial amounts of return profits.  Companies driven by financial gain/profits will often view the consumers (people) similar to the animals that they propagate.  Chickens lay eggs for their entire life span, e.g. 12 months, and they are redundant.  Calves are butchered in a matter of months (1- 6 months ) and sold as Prime Veal.  I can not imagine that most animals would see the light of day (the blue sky above), or even walk on natural ground before they are killed off/slaughtered and sold to the meat market.

The Faces of Veal.

My website Maukasmaku.com presents the traditional lifestyles and the cultural values that people on the land shared so much more in recent history.

It also presents the Stock photo and makes the images available for commercial use, copies of traditional: customs, environment, nature, culture, cuisine, regional produce, and products.

A traditional Nordic culture customs such as families going out and picking berries in the forest, processing, and storing them for the winter.  Growing of berries and fruit in the family garden, e.g. red currants, black currants, cranberry, strawberry, apples, and making them into fruit juices, jams, and storing them in the underground cellar for the winter.  Also the tradition of growing vegetables in the garden, potatoes, peas, carrots, beetroot, turnips, herbs, etc, during the warm summer months.  Sunlight is plentiful in the Nordic region during the summertime.

To visit similar theme web site as Maukasmaku.com, click the following link to see Natural Nordic Nutrition.com Hope you have enjoyed your visit the About us page at Maukasmaku.com

www.maukasmaku.com website is designed to be useful, informative with links and resources to many cultural and regional questions that visitors may have while visiting this web site, hopefully we have achieved this goal. To read my profile at Linked-In visit Linked web site at Vesa Leinonen.

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Nordic ingredients cuisine culture and tradition.